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Going vegan for a day!

Andrea Arribas Santos

Hi hello!! This Thursday we come with a post a little bit different, but we hope you enjoy it too. So today we are going to be sharing what we eat in a day, vegan edition!!

We are, as many other people (and apparently the numbers are growing, which makes me super happy) vegetarians, but we truly hope to be vegans someday soon. We decided to change our diet because we want it to align with our beliefs, respect the animals and protect the environment with our food choices.

Therefore, we cook vegan meals most of the days, and today we want to share with you some of our favorites, hopefully it will inspire you to have a more plant-based diet!

Breakfast it's the most important meal of the day, and so we need healthy but energizing food to start the day. Porridge is my go-to. We put half a cup of oats, a full cup of plant-based milk and a little bit of cinnamon in a cooking pot. We wait till it has the consistency we want, and then place it in a bowl with fresh cut banana on top. We top it with a little more cinnamon and there you have it!! A quick but super yummy and healthy breakfast, that will make you feel full for a good couple of hours. (We made a video for TikTok of the process, this is the link in case you are interested ;)).

For lunch time, we went for a vegetable soup. This is our go-to meal for when we don't feel like cooking or for those days we don't have that much time to cook, since it's pretty easy and quick to make. We just open the fridge and see what we can do with what we have. Here's a list of vegetables that we usually cook (since are the ones we usually have at home): red or green pepper, zucchini, potatoes, onion, green beans, carrot, tomato, leek… Once we choose which ones would go well together (little secret: all of them work together wonderfully!) we just peel, cut and add to a pot with a little splash of olive oil. We add water depending on the amount of vegetables we are cooking, and we wait until the vegetables are ready to be triturated. Once everything is very well crushed and blended, it's time to serve and eat :)

For an afternoon snack we usually go for a freshly made fruit juice. We don’t have a specific recipe, but just open the fridge and look at what we have and can work together. This time we choose apple, pear and pineapple. It's super quick and tastes amazing! (And also is a great cleansing juice!). We combined all the fruits together in a blender (the pineapple and the pear came in a syrup can, so we also added some of the liquid to make it more liquid and more sweet), add a splash of water and blend it together until everything is liquid and ready to drink. And voilà! Great afternoon snack and full of vitamins in just 2 minutes.

For dinner we made a leek and mushroom pizza, probably our favorite! It's pretty easy to make and it doesn’t take a long time either! The first thing we do is cook a little bit in a pan the leek with a tiny splash of olive oil. While that´s cooking, we prepare the base (this time we found in the supermarket a base premade with seeds and cereals, and it was super good!), we add the cream (soy-base), and then add chopped onion. Then, once the leek is a little bit golden and crispy, we add it and place mushrooms on top. To finish the pizza we add a layer of vegan grated cheese and straight to the oven. There´s no exact time for this, so we take turns to take a look inside the oven, and when we see everything gold and the mushrooms way smaller, the pizza is done and ready to eat.

These are some examples of vegan recipes that we looove to cook and prepare pretty often, because of their taste but also the time they take (we aren't really good yet at cooking very long to make meals hehe). Which one do you think you will try?? Let us know!

Also, if there's any vegan meal you would like to recommend us feel free to leave in the comments sections, we are always open to try new food.

Have a wonderful weekend, and see you next Thursday!!


If you want to see more photos of Rock star denim jacket, here you have the link.

In case you are interested in the astrology world, the Tarot card denim jacket must be yours, here is it's link.

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